Epidemic called Marathon !

Disclaimer :This is based on my own experience and any remote connection in anybody's life is purely coincidental . :)

Epidemic called Marathon!
I guess Parliament should immediately convene and pass a resolution on this running fever that is spreading fast in this country should be officially declared a dangerous epidemic...
Ask the non runners  how alarming the situation is? I will tell you...
My wife & daughter inspite of last years experience  of pushing me to run ..oops! participating in a Marathon event near our neighbourhood  got me registered for this years event as well -4KM FUN RUN(or hell run).  She knows very well that I  must not have covered a sum total of 1.2 km of running in my  life . ... :)

I tried my best convincing her explaining the perils of running on a chill February Sunday earllllllyyyyyy morning(6.30am) ,the impact it will have on my sleep(er)-cells :)...
well ..you know that had to be only ignored ..
I saw dragging myself towards the start point .... :(

All through that walk..oops supposed be running ... I was thinking that back in my Amazon PRIME days.. running was not a hobby or even a popular physical exercise... It was simply something people like me  did
1) to catch a bus 2)
to escape from a barking dog
3) mostly as punishment in school for being the out-standing student (your guess pls ) ...

One of the reasons that running wasn't all that popular then may be due to the fact that there weren't really any good smart phones with high resolution camera through which one can take a selfie... post it in FB,Insta and in all whatsapp groups -Leaving no options for your friends, relatives and ancestors but to say good things about you having run :) ....

Also there where no designated running shoes ,I still remember all we  had  was the canvas shoes, the perfect sporting shoe if our chosen sport happened to be carrom or chess... ;)
But we also turned out in them for cricket, football,kho-kho because the only  alternative gear to them in those times would have been the Paragon Hawaii slippers....which indeed is made from the state I belong to ...( what a pride .. self thu )....

Also these days there are specialized apps that run on  mobile phone, its  advised to get these apps which any way are free to download , they help keep count of the calories lost, distance covered, number of dogs that barked at you etc :)

By this time I had reached the finishing spot and realised that I had broken my last year 'worst' record  of  55 mins to 1.10 mins for a 4 kms :) 

And then that ultimate moment that very body waits for in a marathon ...well most of them .. looks forward to is the medal distribution , everybody who wears it thinks that he/she is a distant cousin of Usain Bolt ... :)
I reached that point and the person who was about to give the medal made sure that it was for 4 km  ,I guess he still remembers that last year I was given 21km medal for walking 4 kms....and shamelessly boasted about it in all social/history/geography medias....

On a serious note Running is good !


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