Katrina Kaif  ,Emoticons & Bitco(i)ns

Katrina Kaif  ,Emoticons & Bitco(i)ns

This week I read a news item which said emoticons will change the way we communicate & Crypto-currencies will replace current form of money in future .This intrigued me and I decided to do an epic research on these two (which lasted less than 10 mins) , so that I can sound more intelligent during my conversations with friends and colleagues …who I know will be least interested in me or my so called being intelligent  J
When reading articles on the both the topics I had to tackle a lot of written ‘hi-jinks’ and understand what the hell they are trying to say…then I  remembered that  writers /bloggers operate on one principle that is to find words while they write which does not make any sense to average people like me … they resort to this whenever they want to show off…. JJ so now you know why  I used the word hi-jinks here  J J
ok..ok...I am coming to the topic …emoticons has become such a rage across the world that by just using  symbols and keys that we wouldn’t otherwise have known why they ever featured on the keyboard….
Till the advent of internet nobody in the world would have ever felt the need to use a smiley  or J…. nobody ever knew what it was and then the Internet came and gave a new life to :)..Now, if you take out  smiley ie : ) from the keyboard the stock market industry may come crashing down. This is the power of emoticons ! J J
It seems that in 1982… a computer scientist Scott Fahlman granted his wish. Looking for a solution to the miscommunication that prevailed on early Internet message boards, he proposed that a rotated smiling face, composed of a colon, a hyphen and a parenthesis— :-) –should indicate that the writer was joking….u can see lot this in Nairsims, so that you know I was only joking …. J…something’s you have to believe u see J
Now a days whenever you are happy and want to tell others that you are happy, you should not just tell that you are happy. ….but the written rule to write such sentences is… guys, I am feeling happy J!!!!!!!!!! (people, needless to say, use lots of exclamation marks)…. Even Shakespeare in his entire career perhaps would have used only 33.2 exclamation marks ,today it is hardly enough  to compile a single paragraph on an email or even less in whatsapp J
Since I spent 5mins on emoticons, next 5mins was to understand crypto currencies,I tried my best about Bitcoin (easy to understand u see, like calling a photocopier  as Xerox), but all I could manage to learn is that it  has no regulators, does not  have physical copies, nobody knows who is doing what, you can’t buy any real stuff using them in markets. …not even Podalanga (my tamil friends will understand this) and there is something called blockchain which is most complex to understand ..ya ya …similar to understanding  Wife…   can’t explain much… And you have plenty of well-educated, well-informed guys investing in Bitcoins much like people still getting married. … I am letting my sarcasm wash down this blog J J.
Just wanted to know who started this Bitcoin….So, I googled ..it was Satoshi Nakomoto, which may or may not be his real name… JJ Also, nobody has seen him and apparently he is no longer with Bitcoin….
Well…. if you are still wondering what does Katrina Kaif has to do with this …well nothing at all, thanks for reading this blog pls do share your comments with lots of Emoticons and you are free to transfer some Bitcoins too…. J
Love to all!!!!!!


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